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Group Therapy… Why I think it may be right for you

Group Therapy… Why I think it may be right for you

As we recover from the COVID 19 pandemic, many families are struggling. Children are facing challenges at school and at home – including in academic, emotional, and social arenas. While rates of anxiety and depression were already high pre-pandemic, they are now present in youth at alarming rates. Parents tell me that they are struggling with how best to help their children. Plus many parents are facing their own difficulties on top of wondering how to meet the needs of their child.

Child anxiety: How you respond matters more than you think!

Child anxiety: How you respond matters more than you think!

Anxiety is the body’s natural alarm system that signals some kind of threat in the environment. It’s an important emotion, and one that has likely ensured our survival. Through evolution, anxiety has served us well- it alerts us to predators, helps us to protect our young, and prepares us for action through the fight, flight and freeze response- when needed.