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Resources for emotional wellness

My Blog

I design workshops to help parents connect and guide their children with confidence. Understanding what and how our kids are thinking, feeling and doing is the first step to creating the foundation for emotional wellness.

The Power of “No” in Shaping Tomorrow

The Power of “No” in Shaping Tomorrow

Discover how embracing the word ‘no’ can shape your child’s future, teaching resilience and empathy through the setting of boundaries and understanding emotional responses. Learn how to guide your child through disappointment and growth.

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Beyond Coping: Building Resilience in Anxiety Therapy

Beyond Coping: Building Resilience in Anxiety Therapy

This article explores the antifragile approach to anxiety treatments, emphasizing the transformative power of exposure therapy. By confronting fears in a controlled environment, individuals not only manage their anxiety but also develop resilience, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. We delve into the principles of exposure therapy, its benefits, and the broader implications of antifragility in mental health. This approach promises a shift from traditional treatment modalities, advocating for resilience-building strategies that empower individuals to thrive in the face of life’s adversities.

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Beyond Overprotection: Fostering Resilience in Today’s Children

Beyond Overprotection: Fostering Resilience in Today’s Children

In navigating the current parenting climate, we encounter the pervasive trend of overprotection—well-intentioned yet potentially stifling. This article dissects the delicate act of balancing parental protection with the necessity of exposing children to challenges, encouraging a shift towards fostering antifragility. Through a series of expert opinions and practical strategies, we guide parents on a journey to cultivate resilience and independence in their children, preparing them for the complexities of life.

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Empowering Parental Responses: Validating Your Child’s Feelings Effectively

Empowering Parental Responses: Validating Your Child’s Feelings Effectively

Here we explore the vital role of validation and balanced guidance in children’s emotional development. By mirroring our children’s emotions with understanding and kindness, we teach them to navigate their feelings constructively. However, the journey involves balancing validation with practical guidance, ensuring children are not only heard but also learn to manage their emotions in healthy ways. This article offers insights and practical strategies for parents to empower their children with emotional health and resilience.

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Navigating the Tides: The Critical Role of Parent Regulation

Navigating the Tides: The Critical Role of Parent Regulation

Effective parenting is a journey filled with challenges and rewards. As we embark on this voyage, it’s crucial to understand that the cornerstone of successful parenting lies in our ability to regulate ourselves as parents while fostering a deep emotional connection with our children. In this article, we’ll explore how the delicate balance between regulating our own emotions and nurturing an emotional connection with our children forms the bedrock of effective parenting.

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Guide to Preventive Care: Early Intervention in Child Emotional Health

Guide to Preventive Care: Early Intervention in Child Emotional Health

Early intervention, specifically preventive care, plays an integral role in fostering emotional wellness in children. This comprehensive guide, backed by Dr. Zia’s extensive experience and expertise, provides insight into how preventive strategies can alter the course of a child’s mental health, effectively setting them up for a healthier, more emotionally resilient life.

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Embracing Antifragility: A Revolutionary Approach to Parenting and Children’s Mental Health

Embracing Antifragility: A Revolutionary Approach to Parenting and Children’s Mental Health

Antifragility, a concept introduced by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, extends beyond mere resilience, illustrating how we can actually thrive and grow stronger from stress and adversity. This pillar article explores antifragility in the context of parenting, illustrating how the current parenting climate often shields children from stress, contrary to the principles of antifragility. Offering a fresh perspective on mental health, it advocates for a shift in parenting practices and anxiety treatments towards an antifragile approach, providing practical advice on nurturing an antifragile mindset in children. This future-focused discourse challenges us to envision a future where antifragility is the norm, transforming the way we raise our children and the adults they’ll become.

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Empowering Parents: Effective Strategies for Parenting Anxious Children [Podcast]

Empowering Parents: Effective Strategies for Parenting Anxious Children [Podcast]

In this enlightening YouTube video, child psychologist Dr. Zia Lakdawala shares her wealth of knowledge and experience in parenting anxious kids. Learn how your behaviour as a parent can influence your child’s anxiety and explore effective strategies to help them overcome their fears. Discover the importance of validating emotions, the drawbacks of accommodations, and the power of building resilience in your little ones. Join Zia on this transformative parenting journey and gain valuable tools to support your child’s mental well-being.

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